Oh my gosh, I just got home ant its Hot. My poor baby looks as though she just spent an evening in the spa. What Do I Do? I know that unit is old, I forgotten all about it and now its not working, Should I replace it or repair? Let examine this issue.
Lets not panic, There are many things that can go wrong, Many of them are very Minor, Others not so much, Having a contractor who you can trust is the first step, Some companies charge a little more than others but give honest answers and It is always best to get three estimates, but don’t always go with the cheapest. Lets examine some common a/c issues.
Water and drain issues is the number 1 problem, and the most easiest to fix. I simple maintenance will suffice, Checking the Freon levels and all of the electrical components, Can be done for $85.00 or a little more if its an emergency call,
The next major issue is electrical, 90 percent of systems problems is electrical in nature, Burnt Contractors, Capacitors, Fan motors are quite common failure and if the unit is not rusted out and falling apart this repair can be quite affordable. However some motors especially Newer ECM motors can get quite costly, Otherwise Capacitors, relays and such are very reasonable
We run a lot of units frozen up, sometimes if a unit is starving for air because of a dirty air filter or if its a little low on refrigerant Ice can form and block airflow, Replacing the filter and or adding refrigerant will get the unit up and running. It is legal to add refrigerant to a system regardless of the type but if the leak is substantial, than a repair should be made. This could be costly so if the system is not under warranty than maybe a change out should be considered.
A compressor failure is the worse case scenario. If the unit is under warranty then by all means replace it, but if its not or if the unit is at the end of its warranty and like, Please consider a change out . Labor alone can be in the thousands and refrigerant is not covered by most warranties. Compressor change out is a difficult repair and replacement compressors on older units do not last longer than a few years in most cases.
There is another factor that should be considered. Like everything else the technology is improving, Things have progressed so much in ten years that its hard to get a handle on it, Ten years ago I had a pocket pager now I have a smart phone, Well its the same with your Air conditioner, Units are becoming advanced and the new units are controlling humidity as well as air temp better than before while using far less electric. We finance Installs and the payments are made by the energy savings. Its incredible.
Also always remember Its smart to shop before a failure, so if your system is getting on in years than this is the time to shop
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Mark Torocco